Хочу жить вечно. Пока получается.
Hello, dear Diary!
Sorry for writing without an epigraph. I am still not used to the new member of my electronic family. Hope soon I'll learn how to use it properly.
Writing in English, cause writing in Russian is kinda hard, you know? The "." and the "," are not at their places. So I am kinda sad. Buuut. I'll get used to it, I'm sure. Well, about my nowdoing. The cycle of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy ended. Thanks God! Soon Gynekology will start. Don't know if I wanna go to it or not. This week my Academy made fun of me. Firstly there was a beautiful day. The monday. Such a perfect day you can only dream off. Then there was the evening of monday. Such a cruel stupid evening you can only imagine. So they said we need to get medical books. Really. Now? I went home. Then Wednesday I went to Moscow, cause Thursday we had a practice check-up. And they said - no, let's have it another day. And I was like Auuurrghh! Riding really made me sick. And also I got sick. A flue, I think.
Well, kinda don't know what more to say.
See you next time.