Хочу жить вечно. Пока получается.

Hello, Dear Diary!
Sorry for being silent for oo long. There are so many news, I will post them part by part. Well, the first thing is my session.
Exam N 1 - Pathology. I had A's on all my mid-tests, had done a presentation on the rabbies, personally answered to our head-teacher and wrote a science-work. The theme of my work was "Asthma and Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs. Role of Cytokines". I know all this termins in English now because, my work was based primarly on English articles. Well, writing your fully own work is pretty hard. But the teacher said it was good and that I am suitable to be a science-worker. I was really happy.
Well, exam N 2 - Therapy. I. GOT. AN. A! Can you imagine?! It was a funny story. We (my group on therapy) frightened all that our teacher is very strict. We thought, that our teacher couldn't take our exam. We were SO WRONG. First our manual skills. I answered them to my teacher. He didn't even look at my questions and started to ask his own. I passed with A! So happy. And then the part with medical problem. I didn't even had time to ready myself. Guess to whom I was answering! To HIM! And I passed again. He looked at me and gave me a final A! SO BRUCE~
Exam N 3 - General Surgery. It was very fast. And funny. Cause I was feeling very stupid.
Exam N 4 - Pharmacology. I had questions from HELL! Really, all the questions were so unlucky. Passed, still.
And FINALLY, exam N 5 - Microbiology. I had a B automatically. But wanted an A. My teacher was really pressing on me to go home, but I didn't agree. Well, right! Went home with an A.
That's all for now!