Хочу жить вечно. Пока получается.

Hello, Dear Diary!
Gotta hand it to you. Last days were kinda moody. The lack of sun, communication and coming semester didn't anything to brighten my heart. And that's why I must tell you all about my savers in this post. My sweet girls!)
They shaked me up and I did feel myself quite better. So Thanks to them! It's really important for people like me to have their time alone. But on the other side we really need active friends who will get us out of the shell sometimes. Thanks to all my friends who keep me up and cheer me in my times of need. I am really gratefull. I really do choose the greatest people of all to befriend me. How are they dealing with me is a mystery. I am not so gorgeous. I am dull grey, I think. Still my friends are the people with whom I laugh as a baby, shout like it's fire out, and smile as silly. Thank you, my little sunshines.
Going out!