Хочу жить вечно. Пока получается.

Hello, Dear Diary!
Some lazy post about my lazy days. I am happily doing nothing, though I probably should do some studying. But nahhh. I'll worry about it some other day. And I'll probably be mad as hell, cause I did nothing, when still had time. Yes, I am that kind of student. At least I acknowledge my mistakes.
Well, what to tell ypu about my past days? All is pretty silent. I had a great weekend. Slept a lot. In last days I met with Alice and my classmates. All was nice. I missed girls a lot. They are too great for their own good

Chatted with KK. She told me about our next semester's shedule. Not so bright future. But no big deal. For now. I just don't wanna think about it. I'll have 5 mounthes of this misery and pain. I will think about it in a mean time. And I'll cry.
Need to sit on a diet. I am such a fatty :/.
Расписание действительно боль.
Мне пора срочно набирать еще вес, я не могу тебе продуть в этой гонке вооружений)