Хочу жить вечно. Пока получается.
Good afternoon, my dear diary!
I'll write more often from now on, as I know that my new phone gives me such a great opportunity. Why in english? I am very afraid of degrading in my language skills, so you'll have to keep with me. Weeeeell, what to say? Tomorrow is exam and I am doing everything, but studying. Just kidding))) Studying it is. I am not so brave or self-confident. Though crazy is a better word.
Wynja started a new fic and I am soooooo happy! The idea is fabulous. And, oh my blob, I found a great Marshall/PG fic. So don't have any problems with what to read. Still am a little bit sore from the last days, but I think it'll wears off, just like everytime, before.
Biochemistry is killing me. BRAIN FREEZE!!!! XD It's like I had answered one question and there is second, just like the first! AAAAARGH! My studies are driving me nuts :(

But! Bright side: I have my music with me!))))

Yeah, I have friens,
But they have friends
And they have parties
And I'm so awkward...

Just about me :)

But for now it is all, should return to biochemistry)) sorry for the lack of design. Can'to anything.
And I really need to change the design.

Have a nice day!)