Hello, Dear Diary!
Finally some adequate post about my nowdoing. Well, it's not like past month was so very interesting. Studying, studying, studying some more. There were holidays, on which I happily didn't do anything. On May the 1st I went home. Sleeped, ate, hung out with my parents and friends. Visited Ksusha's grave, by the way. On May the 9th I visited a lot of places. Firstly I hung out with Anton. We went to look at fireworks. Chatted a lot. Though to me it seemed, like I chatted a lot. I rode through night Moscow with cool music. It was awesome. Got to KK on May the 10th at 2 a.m. Lol. Next day me and my aunt visited Pushkin's museum one more time and went to the thathre. We watched Otello. I am somehow sad, it wasn't a traditional perfomance. Nevertheless it still was fantastic. Maybe too symbolic.
After such joyfull weekends I was studying like a mad dog. I am still in a process. Catched some cold from my pacient. But now am feeling so much better. The only thing troubling me is stomatite. Cause it's growing. I already have 3 or 4. And I need to see a dantist. But for now I don't have time for it. So, I hope to close my session as quickly, as possible to come home and go to him. The session itself is deadly. But today my spirit is uncharacteristically high. I am so tired from all of this, I ain't even whining. Can you imagine?))
But I am still angry at some people! They are just so strange. And mean. But it's nothung. Cause like my epigraph is saying - I'll come out and have my revenge someday! Nye-he-he!
Celebrated KK's B-Day yesterday.
Well, what more? All is OK. There is a nice song!
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