Hello, Dear Diary!
Now it's almost a tradition to write posts, while using trains. I am going home, hell yeah. Damn the people, who said the 3rd course is gonna be easy. My ass, easy! They were lying right in my face. Studying is awful. I don't know how much I can take. It seems like loosing my mind. I don't sleep well. I don't eat well. My head is full of some stupid things. Ant the best of it all - I am having emotional freak-out. Sorry for saying it on my not-so-good english. But I am as confused, as cow in the sea. I don't know who is friend, who is enemy. Not anymore. Allways arguing with someone. I need to relax. Started drinking Glycine again.
Well. Aside from whining things are really not great. The Terapy ended with me having C for the test. Amd I don't think that my teacher will give me something higher than that on kollokvium. The digestive system is much more interesting. And bigger. And I still have to study respiration. Too much knowledge in my head. I hope to have some good time at home. Meeting friends, chatting with family. Let's see if some rest helps me to eliminate all the problems.
See ya.