Hello, Dear Diary!
Finally some time to tell you all the news. The trip to morgue was very nice, to say at least. We didn't have any problems finding the hospital. I rode on tramvai for the very first time. Hospital was magnificent. So clean and neat. When we came into the morgue building and to the "Section Room", I felt a panick attack. The first thing I wanted was to run away. For me the most troublesome part is taking out the brain. Well, they started from it! I was stuck, and when have come from the stupor, it was like "Oh, already starting, OK!". So I watched it all. It was not so scary, still the smell was awful. I was feeling lightheaded when standing too close to the body we were watching. So I had to come out two times to take some fresh air. Beside it I enjoyed the show and my willpower.
The studying is going at full speed. I fell in love with the Ivryt. Such an interesting language. Though I don't really have time to deep into it. It's a pity.
Well, all for now. Thanks for listening.
Behazlaha! (Which means Good Luck, BTW )