Hello, Dear Diary! Sorry for silence. I wanted to write post on the 1st September, but somehow deleted it in process of writing. Yeah, I am a looser, I know. So now I have time and wish to tell you about my previous days.
Once more I am accomodating to the University's hostel. All is not bad, but could be better. Now we have a cute little freezer, which helps me to economy some money. Starting next week I decided to take a health marathon (now I can, now I can buy vegetables and milk products!). Don't know if I'll be able to complete this challenge due to my health condition, hard studying and power of my will. The latest is the most disturbing. The studying is actually going well. Rides to the bases is not so hard, as it seemed at first sight, but still takes energy. All this time we were coming to Sokolniki's aviahospital. So I went to McDonalds for their delicious milkshakes (CURSE YOU ANGELA FOR LETTING ME DISCOVER THEM). All the teachers are seeming nice, but all is not gold that glitters, so I am waiting the kick to ours butt from someone of them. Ut's been only two weeks, going to campus still seems kinda unusual. All I wanna do is lie down under the blanket and read something interesting, but life is not so pleasurable.
Well, for the best parts. I finally reunited with girls. We are having a lot of fun. Angy is trying to guess my login for this diary. Lets wish her some luck. Maybe one day she will read it *waving hand*. We went to anti-cafe but didn't get to it, so ended at McDonalds. Also me and Angy are in process of making a transport-card. I was so lazy last year, so I have to suffer now. Still am going to get it.
Well, for now it is all!
See ya next time!