Hello, dear diary!
Today I want to do some whining. You have to deal with it. Sorry. Well, I am talking about guys! Why are they like that? Why are they so blind? Why are they doing such stupid and painfull things? As if it is not enough, they are so lazy and passive. Maybe they are awaiting their princesses on white lexus? Well, guys, sorry to say this to you, but... NOT GONNA HAPPEN! As if it is soooo hard to just trying to communicate with ordinary girls. I am very ashamed. They want a woman that will be beautifull, inteligent, caring, kind. With a nice personality and cooking skills. And when.. Oh, God. Just forget it. Guys, who are not looking only at girl's tits. Respect to you. You are wonderfull, even as friends.
Well, duh. Sorry about talking too much on this theme. But one person just had to refresh this in my head. Ok, about my daily life. Me and Angy are still not talking from last thursday. It is the longest fight. We've ever had. It is not helping, that she is going home any minute she can. Well, who am I to judge? I am really cool. Finally started doing some things. I have pretty rough mood swings. Probably because of my standard reason. The weather is baaad. I want sun! A lot of sun!!! I decided that this summer should be occupied with something usefull, besides my medical practise. There are my goals:
1) lose some weight
2) study astronomy
3) study japanese
Well, among that I am also planning to watch more cartoons and some serials. And, of course, read-read-read!
And, oh! I am rereading Checkmate. THIS IS STILL AS AMAZING AS IT WAS BEFORE!!! If not better! Oh, I just love Pearl84' style. I love all her works! She is amazing! Check out her stories, you'll mot regret. Though she writes only in Danny Phantom fandom, still.
Well, that is all. See you next time. Thanks for listening!